On demand production

Do not produce in stock

On-demand production does not have a clear Czech equivalent, but sometimes the term continuous production or flexible production is used. The main idea is that you only produce the quantity you currently need and whenever you want. Today, this sustainable principle is applied through modern technologies such as 3D printing, digital printing and / or laser. But we can also handle it with more traditional methods such as embroidery, screen printing, but also, for example, the production of tailor-made products.

  • 1/ Clarification of the idea and selection of custom subject and design
  • 2/ We create the sample and tune the appearance of the final product
  • 3/ The production itself
  • 4/ It is advisable to obtain a custom product certification, but don't worry, we are professionals

How much does it cost?

Fill in what you are specifically requesting and we will contact you with a price offer

I want to know a price

Don't know what exactly you want?

If you do not know exactly what you need, our guide will help you.


Find out if on demand is for you

Main advantages

  • lower costs -> you only pay for what you take
  • speeding up the whole production process
  • simple sampling
  • a wide range of design options
  • no minimum subscriptions

How to begin

There is nothing easier – pick up the phone and give us a call or write us about your idea and we will get back to you with a specific solution proposal.
And a few more tips on where to use on demand production:

  • production of own collection of clothes -> merch
  • teambuildings and corporate events
  • re-ordering corporate clothing for new colleagues
  • souvenirs for events

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