• Replacement Fulfillment for 2023

    7. 11. 2023

    When you hear about replacement fulfillment, many managers start to feel their pulse quicken. Quotas, bureaucracy, more administration – all of this can be a nightmare. Yet, it can also be an opportunity to show that the company has its heart in the right place and at the same time...


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  • Deck chair lay back

    9. 8. 2017

    Today, almost everyone in the company has couches, otomany and sitting bags. But such deck chairs, where one can shout for a while, stretch out after lunch or, for example, show the brand to clients in style, are just not visible. So why not give style and not belong to...


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  • Replacement Fulfillment for 2023

    7. 11. 2023

    When you hear about replacement fulfillment, many managers start to feel their pulse quicken. Quotas, bureaucracy, more administration – all of this can be a nightmare. Yet, it can also be an opportunity to show that the company has its heart in the right place and at the same time...


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  • Deck chair lay back

    9. 8. 2017

    Today, almost everyone in the company has couches, otomany and sitting bags. But such deck chairs, where one can shout for a while, stretch out after lunch or, for example, show the brand to clients in style, are just not visible. So why not give style and not belong to...


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