What is sustainability?

ECO. BIO, green politics, ... these are words that are related to the topic. But sustainability is not just something that sounds good to us.

What are we doing right now?

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Our missions

Behaving sustainably is a topic we have been dealing with for several years. The main topic is how to behave in accordance with what is around us, but also outside the company. Sure, it's very general, so let's break it down In the case of sustainable behavior, we solve 2 basic questions - how do we behave inside the company and what do we present outside the company?

We want to be consistent, so we try to follow a few relatively simple principles:
1) Cooperation only with suppliers who hold proven certifications.
2) Not to actively offer products or accessories that are inherently unnecessary (eg we try to discourage clients from packing goods in plastic bags)
3) We do not hold unnecessarily large stocks - on demand principle
4) We try to help around the scope of our company
5) We support cooperation with sheltered workshops
6) We are members of the Association of Social Responsibility (A-CSR)
We are constantly trying to find new ways to come up with solutions that are not only symptomatic and look nice, but that they are really effective.


We cooperate with sheltered workshops

For more than 10 years, we have been trying to involve even sheltered workshops in production and assembly. On the one hand, it is something for us that is a matter of the heart and almost a duty. At the same time, it has one and a financial advantage for our partners, and that is substitute performance ( more on our blog ) < br> We cooperate mainly with great sewing workshops, cartons, knitting machines, assembly workshops, ...


Sustainability Articles

  • Replacement Fulfillment for 2023

    7. 11. 2023

    When you hear about replacement fulfillment, many managers start to feel their pulse quicken. Quotas, bureaucracy, more administration – all of this can be a nightmare. Yet, it can also be an opportunity to show that the company has its heart in the right place and at the same time...


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  • Deck chair lay back

    9. 8. 2017

    Today, almost everyone in the company has couches, otomany and sitting bags. But such deck chairs, where one can shout for a while, stretch out after lunch or, for example, show the brand to clients in style, are just not visible. So why not give style and not belong to...


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Sample of finished products

Caparol dalmatin


Merch for the Golden Tiger


Super Skanska socks


Do you need individual counseling?